Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

three years

three years ago, on june 27th i asked this girl out, since then we have been together, i love her to death. today we went to the cabana on the river for dinner, it was pretty good, after that we went to newport for some dessert and a movie, we saw grown ups, it was really good, we also took a walk along the river, over all tonight was great, and i want to say happy anniversary kiana, i love you.
oh, and the grey yeezys.. i got them last week, i was saving them for this day.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Volkswagon GTI

i got a new car on wednesday, i love it, it is a 2006 volkswagon gti, it is a 6 speed, and it has a turbo, its soo fast, i never drove a stick before, but im learning and its fun, heres a photo, but i will be taking some better ones soon hopefully.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010



my parents had these jones sodas made for me for graduation, i love jones fufu berry, its my favorite, thanks to skavb for the pic

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


im selling alot of stuff. shoes, hats, clothes, dj equipment, vinyls, etc. hit me up if your interested.

Reds Game!

went to the reds game with kiana last night, was fun until the storms rolled in, we had to leave early.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Graduation party!

yesterday was my graduation party, thanks to everyone that came. i think i got enough money to get a new car! i also want to give a special thanks to Kiana, you have been the biggest part of my life for almost three years now, we made it through high school and graduated, now we have to make it through college. i want to thank you for everything you've done for me,(and thanks for skate 3!) but really, thank you, and i love you.

Got Em

yesterday before my grad party i shot out to corporate to get the 2 year anniversary fitteds, i also picked up the new corporate t shirt, and the white and red 6s. of course "corporate got em"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

new pick up.

thanks to my man LJ i got another new pick up, another pair of 3s, cant go wrong with the jordan 3.


i finally got some new glasses, i went back to raybans, in my opinion they are the best.

Monday, June 7, 2010


this past friday my cousin got married, congrats! me and kiana went, decided to go with pink and match! she looked so good! :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


i graduated from high school last night, on to the next thing now.
been super busy lately, ill have to start posting more soon.